
Upgrading Astro to v5

For this personal blog, I am using Astro for quite some time. So far it has proven to be the perfect tool for this. And there is continuous development with new versions on a regular schedule. Although this is a good sign, it requires regular updating to not fall behind and use the latest features.

Using Dapper Multi-Mapping with two Levels

When reading relational data with Dapper, most examples focus on one other entity, which may come in a 1:1 or 1:n relationship. In this blog post I will show how to extend it to two entities.

Masonry Layout and AstroJS

How I added masonry layout to my blog.

Using OData

Exploring the use of OData for fetching data.

SQL Date Range Queries

In my company work, we often use two _Date_ or _DateTime_ fields to express a range when the row data is valid.

Data Access Layer Techniques

I have spent the last days exploring ways to map SQL result sets to objects as used in object-oriented programming languages as C# or Java. This process is known as object-relational mapping and is needed for all projects accessing data from a SQL database, the results must be converted to objects for further processing or sending them out as JSON.

PostgreSQL revisited

Rediscovering PostgreSQL and highlighting some features.

Security Headers

Understanding the current state of web security headers.

Modular JavaScript

How to organize JavaScript in a modular way?

A LaTeX template for my dissertation

A LaTeX template with all packages explained.

How to add logos to all your pages with LaTeX

Given the problem that you want to put one or several logos in your document header, I found the following solution.

New Again

I have changed my blog tech stack from Serendipity to Wordpress.

ICORR Conference in Noordwijk

Some notes on the ICORR 2007 conference.

Science and Weblogs

In my relentless search for articles in the field of rehabilitation robotics, I will publish some comments on excellent articles. With this I hope to help people who search relevant papers and also to find experts in the field for discussions and exchange. Everybody interested in the articles I found may take a look at my articles at CiteULike.

Online Database for Bibliographic Information

The common fate of scientists is to read papers. The problem is to maintain the overview over that ever increasing heap of papers and to be able to cite any of them.

The Honor System at Virginia Tech

Some more details about my studies at Virginia Tech. My courses are Linear Systems Theory, Neural and Fuzzy Systems and Electronic Control of Motor Devices. The first two are on graduate level, what means, that they are a little bit more tough and tricky. The last one is undergraduate level and more relaxing.

Theater Rehearsals

Yesterday we read the whole piece (Rebel Without a Cause), every one his role. I was Officer 1, had not to say that much. But it was all right and I also have the glorious part of shooting Plato, when he plays with his gun and doesn't want to give it to somebody.

Student Initiatives

On Friday, most of the students organizations presented themselves in Squires Student Center. Interested to get involved in something I entered the room. It was packed with people, you could hear music playing from one corner, and a babble of voices was in the air. The organizations were organized in long rows of tables, with every organization only having two meters to present their material.